About Me

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I am 17 years old and attend San Pasqual Academy. I am a junior in high school. I live on a campus with 130 other students. At times the drama does become intense but we all know that soon it will be over. The people that I hold close and dear to my heart that I know will never betray me I consider apart of my family. Other than that everyone else is just another obstacle in my life that I have to go over. My best friends that I never want to loose are always there for me and understand my hardships and I understand theirs. My favorite sports that I play are volleyball and softball. Currently I am on a volleyball team. GO DRAGONS! I plan on going to college and starting my life with a positive beginning.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I just came home from running around outside with my friends.  Debbie was in a rush to get the meat she was assigned to prepare for Easter Sunday ready and a few other girls and I were conversing about her trip to Thailand she was going to embark on an hour later.  Our conversation deceased when the rumbling of the ground began. My experience was when I was sitting in the chair and looking outside the window. I felt like I was shaking, rocking back and forth for no apparent reason. At the same time I was questioning in my mind why the windows appeared to be moving. Suddenly, Debbie yells for all of us to go outside. The other girls in my house were on the verge of crying and could not help but to express the fear in their voice through their screams.  Still not knowing what happened I was standing outside in awe watching the windows once more.  Debbie then informs me that we just experienced and earthquake and told us if ever we are in a building and have open land we are able to run to go there instead of standing in the doorway of a house.  When we went back in to the house, I turned on the t.v trying to find anything on the news about the earthquake, nothing popped up. It wasn't until later that night I went to my friends house and coincidentally the news was on. I found out that the earthquake was a 7.2 magnitude, which was stronger than the one in Haiti. I am glad we weren't as heavily affected. But, for some reason I feel like this is not the end of tragic events to happen.

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